Late-ripening varieties of garlic Dobrynya, garlic arrows . The period from mass regrowth to yellowing leaves 120 - 130 days . leaf length of 40 - 55 cm wide and 2.5 cm, with an average green waxy coating . Flower Curved arrow . Bulb rounded, large, weighing 50 - 60 g, the number ofcloves 10 - 14, the mass of cloves 5 - 6 g . Coating dry scales grayish-white with weak violet veins, their number 4, with more intense purple color on the scales leatherback . The flesh is light cream, almost white, dense . Taste of the peninsula . Yield 2.1 - 2.5 kg / sq m . m . Keeping quality garlic varieties Dobrynya within 6 months of storage - 80% . Value varieties Dobrynya -high yield, large aligned bulbs, winter hardiness .