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Melon Sweetie

Melon Sweetie

Chinese melon "Sweetie" - an exotic variety from China . thermophilic . All Chinese melon is one feature - you can eat them with the skin, it is very thin and soft . The fruit weight 500 grams, with prickly black bars . On one lash matures to 6 fruits . The flesh is green, sweet and aromatic . Plant tiesfruit in any weather . Not susceptible to diseases and grows in any garden soil . Growing . Without the seedling - the most common for this crop . Melon seedlings were grown only for early consumption . Seeds before sowing is soaked for 24 hours in a warm solution of potassium permanganate and sown in the open ground in the second decadeMay, when the soil temperature reaches 16 - 18 ° C . melon seeds embedded in the soil to a depth of 1 - 2 cm, are placed into the wells of 3 - 4 pieces of seeds, according to circuit 140 X 60 - 70 cm . Care is weeding, fertilizing with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium (excess nitrogen can lead to nitrate accumulation) and watering, who stop for 30 - 35 days before harvest . Thisincrease the sugar content in the fruits of melon . If there is too much water whip strongly

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