Melon Kazachka
Variety is middle-long-climbing . Fruit oval, smooth, orange, without pattern, with rare mesh . The flesh is white, fibrous, slightly crisp, firm, juicy . Grade transportable . The period from full germination to start technical ripeness 70 - 95 days . Weightfruit 1.2 - 1.8 kg . Taste qualities are excellent . Productivity is high .
The variety is grown in the open field and greenhouses, in light air- and water-permeable soils . With the growth, the plants form a single stem, making the removal of lateral shoots, and leave it 2 - 3 ovary (others removed) . Further care is of moderate watering,loosening, fertilizing and powder lashes to protect them from turning wind . To feed use complex water-soluble fertilizer containing complex NPK, enriched with trace elements .
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