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Cultivation of different types of fruit trees ,
Plum fruit relatively low-calorie, but they have quite a lot of minerals, pectin, and vitamins are available . Vitamins A and B, they are much richer than apples and pears . Plums must have been at each garden plot, because their fruits well used both for direct consumption and for the preparation of stewed fruit, jam, jam anddried .
Sorta . The following are varieties in the sequence of their maturation . With their choice should pay attention both to taste the fruit, and the hardiness of trees and because of their growth . The latter fact is important, because in the sale are no plum seedlings on dwarf rootstocks or semi-dwarf .
In the Non-Chernozem zone of the RSFSR zoned 35 varieties of plums in summer and autumn ripening: summer - Nicholas yellow, Early Loshitsa, Greengage the farm, Skorospelka red and other fruits from these varieties ripen in late August; autumn - Hungary's Moscow, Hungary's Pulkovo abundantly , Spark, Memory Timiryazeva Severyanka,fruits ripen in early September .
Skorospelka red - srednerosloe frost and productive variety of national selection, comes into bearing for 4 - 5 th year . The fruit of medium size, roundish-ovate, dark-red skin, pulp sugary taste mediocre . Fruits ripen asynchronously in the second half of August .
Greengage the farm - srednerosloe winter-hardy varieties, comes into bearing at the 4th year . Fruits light yellow, juicy, sweet, medium-sized, mature in late August .
Record - srednerosloe winter hardy high yielding variety, comes into bearing at the 4th year . The fruits are oval, dark blue color, fruit weight up to 30 g, subcutaneous point clearly visible, the flesh is yellow-green, juicy, sweet, ripe in early September .
Memory Timiryazeva - srednerosloe winter hardy high yielding variety, comes into bearing at the 3 - 4th year . The fruit is medium-sized, yellowish with bright red, the flesh is juicy, sweet, pleasant taste, ripen in early September .
Hungary's Moscow - srednerosloe productive variety of national selection, not enough frost . The fruit is oval-ovate, of medium size, dark red with purple bloom, sweet-sour taste . Bone is easily separated from the pulp . The fruit ripens in the second half of September .
Spark - enough winter-hardy variety, high-yielding, comes into bearing at the 3 - 4th year . The trees of small size, with drooping branches and spreading crown. The fruits are yellow with carmine blush and a light wax coating . The flesh is yellow or pink and yellow, juicy, sweet-sour, sweet taste, with well separated bone . The fruits ripenin late September.
Stanley -r- high yielding annual autumn fruiting cultivar (cultivated in Poland and in the southern regions of the USSR) . The tree of medium height, non-frost resistant . The fruits are large, egg-shaped, dark blue with glaucous bloom, excellent taste, bone behind pulp (photo 31) .
Climate and soil requirements . Plums love warm and humid climate . They are better than other fruit crops tolerate a high level of groundwater (0.8 m from the ground) and grow well in heavy clay, black soil and humus calcareous soils . Plums can be planted even on sandy soils if they are underlainclay . For plums unfit lowlands, where cold air stagnates. There may not bear fruit even frost-resistant varieties as a result of freezing the flowers that bloom in the drains before on apples and pears .
The distance between the trees . When forming a rounded crown in separate trees distance between them take depending on the vigor and fertility of the soil 5x5, 5x4 or 4 X 4 m. In espalier trees can grow thicker - through 4x4, 4x3, or 3,5 X 3 m .
Formation of trees . Plums, especially dessert varieties require a lot of sun, so it is best to form a free-tiered or boiler-shaped crown . You can also generate free trellis or regular oblique palmettes .
The system of detention and treatment of the soil . The entire area under the trees can be kept in a state of fallow . In areas with high rainfall or in areas with sprinkler watering can under the sink to create a ground cover . The grass should be mowed often and only directly under the trees to destroy weeds .
Plum fertilized as apple and that is fed with the same doses of a mixture of mineral fertilizers and once in several years of manure or compost .
- Growing fruit trees
- Cultivation of different types of fruit trees ,
- Cultivation of fruit crops
- Berries
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