
Cultivation of different types of fruit trees ,


The fruit cherries are rich in organic acids and dyes . They contain more vitamins than in apples, especially vitamins A and C . They are valuable raw materials for processing .

The feasibility of growing cherries on garden plots also confirmed its insufficient quantity in the market .

Sorta . Not in the chernozem zone of the RSFSR zoned 44 varieties of cherries . There are three groups of varieties: early summer (the end of June - early July) summer (mid-July - early August) and late (late August - early September) .

Griot Moscow - self-fetal srednerosloe winter hardy variety . Crohn spherical, sprawling, annual shoots brown color, leaves obovate, painting them green, matte . The fruits are round, dark red, sour-sweet taste, weight 3 - 3.5 g, mature in mid-July . Yield Average - 6 - 7 kg per tree .

Vladimir new - srednerosloe satisfactory grade frost, crown rounded, branchy, the leaves are oval, dark green, composed of a boat . The fruit is widely rounded, dark red, weight 2.8 g, ripen in late July - early August . good yields - 10 kg per tree .

Change - srednerosloe winter hardy self-fetal grade, fruiting on-year increase, and distributed as a bouquet of twigs . Crohn's rounded, compact; leaves oblong, oval, pointed to the top . Fruits small (2.1 - 2.5 g) , rounded-flattened, dark red, sweet-sour . Productivity is high - up to 13.5 kg per tree .

Distance betweentrees and care for them . Cherries put on a 5X4 or 4X4 distance m . best for them is a natural crown . Note the annual crown thinning and shortening branches every few years . This is supported by single-grade a rare crown with strong annual shoots, which are tied flower buds .

Lyubskiy - srednerosloe winterhardy yielding variety with spherical crown, comes into bearing at the 2 - 3rd year . The fruit is large (4 - 4.5 g), dark red, very juicy, with a yellow-pink juice, fragrant, ripen in mid-August, can hang on the tree, not showering, up to 20 days, yield up to 15 kg per tree .

Zhukovskaja - strongly stalwart yielding winter hardy variety with rounded spreading crown, comes into bearing in the third year . The fruits are large, dark-colored, sweet-sour, ripen in the second half of July . Yields 8 - 10 kg per tree .

Scarlet - srednerosloe winterhardy yielding variety with rounded spreading crown . The fruit is medium in size (3.0 g), rounded, on a thin stalk, the color is dark red, many hypodermic points, the average density of the flesh, sweet-sour . ripen in the second half of July . Yield 7 - 10 kg per tree .

Shubinka - strongly stalwart yielding winter hardy variety . The fruits are small, with a large and poorly unattached stone, dark red, sour . Ripen in early August . # File1 #

Fig. 172 . A good place cherry fruits regularly and abundantly

New varieties of cherries are recommended for home gardens Not chernozem zone of the RSFSR :

Valentine - yielding early maturing variety . The fruits are large, dark red, dessert taste .

Robin - undersized productive variety late summer ripening . The fruits are large, red .

Youth - stunted fetal self-yielding variety . The fruits are large, dark red, dessert taste, ripen in early August . Fruiting 3 - 4th year .

Lots - the fruit is quite large, oval, flattened around the legs, dark red, dark juice is quite acidic, are very good raw material for processing, ripen in late July . The tree grows moderately strong into early fruiting period, fruiting regularly and abundantly, frost .

Choice of location and soil . Since cherry withstand drought better than most we have cultivated fruit crops, formed the opinion that it can be put on the poorest soils . This is wrong . On the sandy, very light soil cherry fruits weakly . Nor can we put it in basins, since there she is at risk of freezing orinadequate pollination of flowers, developing relatively early . For it primarily suitable for garden plots, located on the slopes and in an elevated location . On sandy soils, it can be planted in the event that they are underlain by clay .

Fig. 173 Rejuvenation pruning cherry

The contents of the soil and the fertilizer, such as for draining .

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