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Cultivation of different types of fruit trees ,
Nutritional value of apples and pears is approximately the same. Pears compared with apples less calories and contain relatively small amounts of vitamins. Due to their dietetic value, inter alia, by the presence of pectins, which neutralize harmful products of many metabolic and cholesterol causing sclerosis .
Sorta . Of the many varieties of pears greatest value to a garden plot are the ones that are relatively resistant to scab . This is a disease in the cultivation of pears delivers as much hassle as and when grown apple trees . Pay attention to the varieties frost . All varieties of pears usually susceptible to frost andSome especially .
In the Non-Chernozem zone of the RSFSR zoned 34 varieties of pears, including a 16-year-olds 16 autumn and winter 2 . For summer varieties include: Bessemyanka, Duchess summer, People Efimova, Trubchevsk gold and others . The fruit ripens in late August - the beginning of September, stores until October . cultivated varieties of autumn: Bergamot autumn, Farmer, Marbleand others . The fruits ripen in September and can lay up to 30 days . For winter varieties ripening include Christmas and Basskaya winter, the fruits harvested in late September, kept until the end of December .
The most common varieties, which are listed in order of their maturation :
Bessemyanka - year srednerosloe winter hardy varieties of folk selection. Crohn shirokopiramidalnaya, shoots straight, light brown, dark green leaves, smooth . The fruit is short, pear-shaped, greenish-yellow color, passing into pale yellow with a slight blush . The average fruit weight of 100 g, the pulp is juicy, sweet, melting, good taste . The fruit ripens in late August . Fruiting 6 - 7 years, plentiful .
# File1 #Tonkovetka - summer winter hardy widespread variety of national selection. Crohn's pyramid, shoots thin, weakly conical, brown-brown color, the leaves are large, short-acuminate . The fruits of a long peduncle, egg-shaped, yellow with a blush, taste mediocre affected scab . The average fruit weight 80 - 90 g . Fleshsour-sweet, coarse, slightly tart . The yield is high, comes into bearing at 8 - 10 th year .
Fancy Efimova - early autumn winter hardiness is medium grade . Crohn's pyramid, shoots straight, brownish, elliptical-shaped leaves, dark green, smooth, shiny . The fruits elongated pear shape right . The basic coloring of green and currents yellow, the coating - purple . The average fruit weight of 100 g, cleaning at the end of August .
A favorite Yakovlev - autumn variety . Trees vigorous, fast-growing, with a spreading broad crown, shoots thin, straight, with a slight purple hue, the leaves are oval, pointed, dark green, smooth, shiny . The fruits are large, properly doubly conical shape . Main color greenish-yellow, the coating - with orangeblurred blush . Fruiting from 6 - 8 years, annual, profuse, cleaning mid-September .
Bergamot fall - autumn vintage winter hardy varieties of folk selection . A vigorous tree with a pyramidal crown back, shoots straight, dark brown, the leaves are dark green, smooth . Fruit weight 70 g . The flesh is white, juicy, vinno- sweet taste, aromatic . The fruits ripen in late September, are stored until November .
Botanical - early autumn mid-winter-hardy cultivar resistant to scab . Crohn's pyramid, fruits, pear-shaped, yellow . The flesh is creamy, juicy, medium density, melting, sweet . The fruit ripens in late August, are stored in the refrigerator until October .
Ruddy - Late autumn winter-hardy cultivar resistant to scab . Mid-grew a tree with a pyramidal crown. The fruits are large, round, greenish-yellow color . The flesh is juicy, medium density, dessert taste . The fruits ripen in mid-stored up to 45 days .
Cultivation areas and requirements for soil . North-eastern regions little suited for cultivation of pears . In other areas it can be grown in elevated areas requiring rapid outflow of cold air in the winter .
Soil can be quite heavy, but at the same time sufficiently permeable to the level of groundwater at a depth of not less than 1.80 m, 'as pear rooted very deeply .
The distance between the trees . Pears, grafted on seedlings, depending on the strength of growth of the grafted varieties and soil fertility with rounded crowns of trees planted on the distance from 6x5 up to 5x5 m, while trellis forms - a distance of 4 X 2 m . trees grafted on quince (in the west), if they are separate and will be formed with rounded crown, putat a distance of 4 to 3,5X2 X 2,5 m, and the trees in the trellis - distances 3X2 m .
Guidelines for tillage and fertilization are the same as for apples .
- Growing fruit trees
- Cultivation of different types of fruit trees ,
- Cultivation of fruit crops
- Berries
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