
Cultivation of different types of fruit trees ,


The fruit cherries are becoming increasingly popular. They are used fresh or processed into compotes, jams .

Climate and soil requirements . When planting selected areas protected from cold winds, with light sandy soil, well drained, located on the slopes of the western and south-western exposure . Cherry requires more heat and less hardy than cherry .

Sorta . There is a whole group of northern cherries, characterized by an increased winter hardiness and good quality fruit. This is such varieties as Leningrad black, Early Rose, Amateur, Excellent, People, Golden Loshchitskaya, Belle and others . Currently, zoned 7 varieties of cherries, but only in Belarus, Latvia and Kaliningradregion . The most common varieties :

Denis yellow - strongly stalwart relatively early maturing high yielding variety winter hardiness, comes into bearing at 5 - 6 th year . The fruits are yellow, with a honey-sweet pulp of excellent taste, ripen in late June - early July .

Drogana yellow - strongly tall high-yielding early maturing relatively frost-resistant varieties, begins to bear fruit in the 5 - 6 th year . The fruit is medium-sized, yellow, dense, sweet, good taste pulp ripen in late June - early July .

Zhabule - strongly stalwart relatively frost-resistant varieties, yield is good, begins to bear fruit in the 4 - 5 th year . The fruits are large, dark red, with a large well separated bone, flesh is firm, juicy, sweet, with excellent taste, mature June - July .

Distance between the trees and care for them . Cherry planted on 6x5 and 5x5 distance m, and the average grade at the systematic pruning - in 4x4 m . Crohn's is formed naturally need cutting damaged branches and shoots rejuvenation, which is held once a 4 - 5 years .

System content of soil and fertilizer are the same as for the plums and cherries .

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