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Cultivation of different types of fruit trees ,
Apples are rich in sugars and fiber . Although they contain relatively few vitamins and minerals, but as the main type of fruit they play a significant role in providing them our body, especially in the winter (Table 9) .
Sorta . Apple is the main species cultivated in our fruit trees, so here is a large number of its varieties . In the garden, where the owners are usually in the summer, should be planted primarily summer varieties, chosen so as to continuously have summer apples . If you want to get a crop of apples suitable forwinter storage, it is necessary to plant trees winter varieties . If you wish to collect the fruit with exceptional flavor, often does not occur in the market, you can instill in the crown hardy apple cultivar such as Lobo . Finally, in areas located in the basin of cold, should be planted hardy varieties such as Grushovka Moscow, Cinnamon striped,Anise gray, etc. .
For cultivation in the garden should also select varieties resistant to diseases, especially to such trudnopreduprezhdae-mym diseases such as scab . This will limit to a minimum the use of chemical weapons . Highly recommended cultivar Prima - first bred in the world apple varieties resistant to scab .
Zoned assortment of apple Not chernozem zone includes 33 year olds, 35 autumn and winter grade 51 . By the summer ripening varieties include: Grushovka Moscow, the July Chernenko, Melba, poured white Papirovka, Suyslepskoe and others . They ripen Michurina , Borovinka, Dessert Petrova, Cinnamon new Jubilee Petrov Shtreyfling and others . They ripen in 1 - 2 nd decade of September, stored 2 - 3 months . By popular winter varieties include: Antonivka, Hercules, Lobo Sinap north, Welsy and others . Period removable maturity occurs at the end of September - early October . The fruit is stored until February - March .
Papirovka - high yielding variety of national selection, winter hardiness, early appearance of fruit . The tree of medium height . Pyramidal crown, fruiting comes on the 4th year after planting . The fruits of the average mass of 70 g . The main color of the fruit of light -kremovaya, "paper", without a blush . scab affected slightly . The fruits ripen in August, stored up to 20days .
Pouring white - high-yielding old Russian variety, winter-hardy. Tree of medium height . In the fruiting comes on 4 - 5 th year . The fruits are greenish-yellow, sweet taste, ripen asynchronously, in mid-August, quickly become overripe lie up to 20 days .
Grushovka Moscow - Russian high-yielding variety with old fruiting periodicity, very winter hardy. Tree vigorous, durable, pyramidal crown . Fruiting 5 - 6 th year . The fruits are small and medium-sized, light yellow with bright red orange stripes on a light background, taste sour-sweet, ripen in late July - earlyAugust, when ripe crumble much stored up to 15 days .
Melba - Canadian variety, winter hardy, relatively drought, early appearance of fruit . Small tree with oval crown. . At the vigorous rootstock begins to bear fruit with 3 - 4 years . Fruiting at a young age annually, can be further periodicity . Grade relatively resistant to powdery mildew, but strongly affected scab .
Fruits are medium or above average size, rounded-conical, fragrant, with beautifully colored skin, the flesh is very tasty (4.2 - 4.5 points), ripen in August, are 10 - 20 days in the refrigerator for up to 3 months .
Anise - old Russian winter-hardy and drought-resistant cultivar, early appearance of fruit . . Tree with large oval crown, grows well in compacted soils . On the vigorous rootstock comes into bearing 6 years Productivity is high, frequency . The trees are relatively stable to fungal diseases . Fruits flat-rounded, small, with thick stripedblush, taste satisfactory (June 3 ball . la) . Cleaning Time - the second half of September, the fruits are stored until January .
Old Russian variety, winter hardy, but not enough for the drought, early appearance of fruit . The tree of medium size, with spherical crown. At the time of fruiting enters the 5 - 6 th year, commodity crop yields already at 7 - 8 th year . fruiting periodicity . strongly affected scab and brown spot .
Fruit of medium size, flat-rounded, with a beautiful striped blush, mediocre taste (3.6 - 3.8 points), ripen in August, are up to 30 days .
Corinne new - Class launched C . Ii . Isaev by crossing Welsy and Cinnamon striped . Tree vigorous, high hardiness . Resistance to scab lesion . At the time of fruiting enters the 6-7 th year . The fruit is medium-large, greenish-yellow striped with red blush, flesh is creamy, dessert taste . Cleaning Time - the beginningSeptember, the fruits are stored until December . Yields good with regular pruning right .
Shtreyfling (Autumn striped) - ancient Baltic unstable winter hardy to drought grade . The tree is large, spherical crown spreading, with drooping branches . On the vigorous rootstock begins to bear fruit for 7 - 8 th year . The fruits are large, light yellow with a nice blush . Cream-colored pulp . The yield is high in the systematicpruning . Cleaning - second half of September, storage until December . It is not enough resistant to fungal diseases .
Antonivka ordinary - an ancient medium grade Russian national selection . Propagated by more than 15 different clones . The most famous white, A . Kamenichka, A . Ribbed . Trees vigorous hardy, durable, begin to bear fruit in the 5 - 7th year yields high . The fruits are large, light yellow, without a blush, flesh is white, sweet-sour, withpleasant aroma. Read the fruit at the end of September, and stored until the end of January .
Hercules - a tree vigorous, hardy by grafting on the bole-educa- starts bearing fruit in 5 - 6 th year . The fruits are large, round, flat shape, pale yellow with a faint blush . The flesh is juicy, aromatic acids sweet . The fruit harvested in late September to late April stored in the refrigerator .
Knight - vigorous tree, winter hardiness, resistance to scab average . The fruits are large, light cream with red stripes, the pulp is juicy, sweet-sour . They are harvested in late September to late May stored in the refrigerator .
Welsy - Class comes from Canada. Tree vigorous, but with the advent of the fruit growth rate decreases, the crown small, pyramidal . Winter hardiness is good. At the time of fruiting trees come in 4th year high yield of young plants, while proper pruning annually . Grade relatively resistant to fungal diseases .
The fruit is medium-sized, round-conical shape, the skin is yellow-green with light red blush, taste good . They are harvested in September and stored in the refrigerator until March .
In Poland and in the southern regions of the USSR cultivated apple varieties represented in the photographs (37, 38 and 40) .
Stark Erlist - early summer high yielding variety . The tree of medium height with a compact broad crown . The fruits of conical shape, medium size, main color of greenish-yellow at maturity fruits are covered with a striped blurred blush . Scab and powdery mildew are affected slightly .
Klose - early summer productive variety, enough to frost . The tree of medium height . Crown sparse, large fruit with a nice bright red color, conical shape, taste good . Resistant to powdery mildew .
James Grieve early autumn high yielding variety, nemorozo-resistant . The tree of medium height . Compact crown, the fruits are large, rounded-conical shape, the main color of yellow, the coating - light striped blush . Excellent taste a few days after removal of apples in early September.
Idared - winter productive variety, non-frost resistant . A small tree with a spreading crown drooping, the fruit of medium size, round-flat, slightly ribbed, with blurred striped blush . Strongly affected by powdery mildew .
Soil requirements . For apple fits any area in which the long-term groundwater level does not exceed 1.5 m . As an exception, can be planted apple trees on dwarf rootstocks, if the water table is at a depth of 1 m . The best, of course, is fertile light permeable soils . However, in accordance withrule "that we have, and we love it" gardener - fans have to host on the ground, which he has . However, the site is not that big and it is relatively easy to improve soil conditions . On very poor soils need to give up on planting apple trees dwarf rootstocks .
Distance between the trees . The distances that should plant trees depend on rootstock vigor grafted varieties, soil fertility and crown formation system . For trees with rounded crowns recommended distance between the rows of 6 m, and in the ranks of 4 or 5 m if they are grafted onto rootstock much tall . For Polukarov-apple distance between facesseries of 4,5 - 5 m rows and 3 - 4.5 m for dwarf - respectively 3 - 4 and 2 - 3 m .
The distance between the trellis strongly tall trees should be 4 m, and between the trellis of bonsai - 3 m . In the trellis vigorous apple trees planted after 3 - 4 m, and the dwarf - 2 - 2.5 m . On soils rich in humus, the distance between the trees more, and on soils poor in nutrients - less .
Formation of CZK . All varieties of apple trees is very easy to form a natural or free-tiered crown . In bonsai can be formed fusiform crown, although the previous types of crowns for them too fit .
The easiest way to create a free trellis like adjustable trellis like a strong-and dwarf trees . More complex types of trellises formed in dwarf trees .
System content of soil and fertilizer . The soil under the trees can be maintained in a state of fallow . You can also sow the grass under the trees, and in the ranks contain a strip of land width of 1 m, free of weeds. The grass should be mowed frequently to she looked like a well kept lawn .
- Growing fruit trees
- Cultivation of different types of fruit trees ,
- Cultivation of fruit crops
- Berries
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