
Growing fruit trees


In the garden or plot may be old, but still perfectly healthy tree varieties are now considered poor . Sometimes a tree to throw a pity, because it creates a pleasant shade and have become accustomed to it . It can rejuvenate, instilling new variety .

Fig. 160 . Once again, the old branches grafted fruit tree

Amateur gardeners can without prejudice to his vanity delegate this special operation gardeners pro-profes- sionals . Although, of course, he will get more satisfaction by planting a tree on their own . Some methods of vaccination are relatively light, that the more allows them yourself .

Grafting compound is then trimmed tree branches with cuttings taken from selected varieties of wood, they are fused to each other. After a successful grafting of these branches evolve cuttings, which are formed on the desired fruit varieties .

For vaccination should prepare well sharpened special oculus (vaccination) knife, urine and cuttings . They are cut from the tree of the selected varieties are best in early winter to avoid possible damage by frost . Cuttings stored in a cool cellar in moist sand . intended for grafting branches are cut just before inoculation . Sections were taken at a distance from the shaft approximately equal to its three circles .

Fig. 161 . Vaccination for "bark"

There are many ways to vaccination . The most popular are: the bark graft, and in the side desperately kopulirovka (method of vaccination handle when the scion and rootstock have the same thickness) improved .

The easiest is to graft the bark . The cut obliquely cutting insert a pre-pre-cut and fold the crust . In this way there is no need to fit the cut surface of the stalk and branches, which is very difficult with other methods of vaccination . Shots of the cortex perform later than other methods of inoculation, usuallylate April or May, when the bark readily from the wood . Cuttings until vaccinations should be stored in a cool place .

Fig. 162 . Vaccination "in triangular cutout"

Inoculation of the bark is used in cases where the cuttings are much thinner branches to which they are grafted .

Grafting in the side desperately is cutting the bottom of the cuttings in a triangular wedge and it is administered in a strictly-fitting neckline, made in the branch . This vaccination is carried out in early spring, it is used when the thinner cuttings grafted branches .

Vaccination kopulirovkoy (method of vaccination handle when the scion and rootstock have the same thickness) produce the same thickness of the cutting and grafting branches . In practice, therefore, such vaccination is used only for very young trees . It is the same as the oblique cut of the cutting, and branches and combining their planes cut . Edgescut should ideally adjacent to each other . shots kopulirovkoy (method of vaccination handle when the scion and rootstock have the same thickness) is carried out in the same time as the vaccination in the side desperately . With any method of grafting a cutting firmly tied bast or film grafted to the branch, and all the open spaces on the handle cut and graftedbranch carefully daubed garden pitch .

Fig. 163 . Successive stages of grafting - A, B, C - kopulirovka (method of vaccination handle when the scion and rootstock have the same thickness) simple

At each branch graft thick two or three cuttings. This operation success largely depends on the proper oblique cut cuttings which make a firm and quick movement of the knife . The longer the section, the larger the contact surface between both parts of the grafting and the possibility of their successful fusion . One of the cuttings shouldbe grafted onto the upper side of the branch .

For the grafted branches to care for a few years . Originally developing cuttings should be protected from damage . They can be together with sprouting shoots of them tied to sticks attached to the branches . As will be seen that the grafted branches begin thicken, it is necessary to cut the urine, to avoid plunging it intogrowing cuttings . shoots that grow from cuttings, grafted on the upper side of the branch will serve its continuation . Escape from the rest of the cuttings only facilitate wound overgrowth of the post-pruning . They should therefore be undercut so that they are not drowned out shoots top handle, and after 3 years, when they have completed their tasks, fullycrop .

Fig. 164 . Proper vaccinations thick branches of several cuttings

Fig. 165 . Different ways to protect the cuttings grafted on thick branches from breaking of birds

Gardeners - lovers of various "miracles" in the area - can instill in each branch of the other varieties . Then they get a small collection of varieties on one tree .

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