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Cultivation of fruit crops
For information about the nutrient requirements listed in the description of the cultivation of fruit trees, also apply to berry bushes, although there are some differences, primarily related to lower durability of the bushes, shallow root system and smaller overall dimensions . When cultivating berries importance havefertility of the soil before planting and compliance with recommended standards fertilizers . It is necessary to avoid excessive application of fertilizers, which are more sensitive than fruit trees .
Such least durable garden plants like strawberries and strawberry, which in many foreign plantations cultivated for single fruit harvesting, should not be added to feed if they are planted in the prepared soil, respectively . Adding large doses of fertilizer, especially nitrogen, can even lead to reduction of fruiting,Although this increase in the growth of plants and the number of whiskers formed.
Currants and gooseberries in their nutritional requirements are close to fruit trees .
# File1 #Finally, the cultivation of berries organic fertilizer, ie manure and compost, play a greater role than in the cultivation of fruit trees . Part manure provides plants with a variety of minerals, including micro-elements, and in the proportions close to optimum. As supplementary mineralenough to make vegetable garden fertilizer mixture, use a mixture with other richer composition of substances is not necessary .
Under the strawberries or strawberry manure or other organic fertilizer just before planting them . Fertilize manure remaining berry bushes should be every 3 - 4 years .
The easiest way to irrigate the site - it is watered by a watering can or hose . It is desirable that used for this water was heated and rich in oxygen, that is, that it was some time before watering in an open vessel . Rare watering bushes large portions of water better than frequent watering in small portions .
Put on the surface of the ground water penetrates deep into it, as much as possible saturating the upper layers of the soil . If the bulk of the roots watered bush has grown to a depth of 30 cm, and the lack of irrigation, for example, only one bucket, the entire 30-centimeter layer will not be moistened . Water penetrates only into the upper layer of 5 cm thickness . Even such frequent wateringsmall portions of it may not provide receipts to the main mass of roots . Only the large rate of water, for example, three buckets, can moisten the soil to a depth of propagation of the bulk of the root .
The ideal irrigation sprinkler irrigation is often called spray . This reminds watering effect is not very strong, but quite a long rain . The soil is able to absorb it completely without the formation of surface runoff . Sprayed into the air, water, although it is taken of the water supply is sufficientenriched with oxygen .
In commercially available compact sprinklers, which can be connected to the water mains . Performance them low, which can be compensated for by increasing the time sprinkling . Watering of the entire area requires more water than a local watering every bush from a bucket or watering can .
Number of water poured at sprinkling, like the number of fallen precipitation, it is possible to measure the thickness of the layer in micrometers . Disposable irrigation norm for shrubs should be equal to 30 mm . This amount of water falls during a heavy downpour for an hour or during the week drizzle . On a plot of 300 m2 30 mm of rainfallequivalent to 9000 liters of water .
With a good watering, especially irrigation, soil is saturated with moisture to a greater depth, so it does not require frequent repetition . When watering the recommended amount of water, even in very dry year is enough 4 - 5 irrigation to make up for the lack of precipitation .
For berry plants duly weed control is more important than for fruit trees, as their influence on the size and quality of the crop more significant . Manual weeding can be replaced by coating the surface of the earth under the bushes materials through which weeds germinate .
It is important that the soil in which the plant berry plants, was free of perennial weeds, especially couch grass . This can be done by digging her garden with wide tooth pitchforks and simultaneous-sampling rhizomes .
The hardest thing to deal with weeds in strawberries and strawberry . For this purpose, the surface of the earth around the bushes cover the materials through which the weeds germinate . This material is most often black film . Transparencies used to protect plants from cold, here is unsuitable . Although it is not through the weeds germinate,but grow under her very well, as it transmits light . So it can be used only in conjunction with opaque paper .
In a small area in order to prevent the emergence of weeds can be used any material and all kinds of plates . They are laid out in the spring and harvested in the fall . In these plates do not holes, as in the film, and customize them so that they occupy the space between the bushes strawberries or strawberry . The film breaks in the cold and can not withstand long-termUse .
- Growing fruit trees
- Cultivation of different types of fruit trees ,
- Cultivation of fruit crops
- Berries
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