Seed industry

Technology greenhouse seed varieties and hybrids heterosis cucumber

Organization seed

The seeds are grown in heated greenhouses with glass and film coating in the spring and, as an exception, in the summer and autumn (when landing in June - July) rpm . Growing seeds at planting in March - May, provides the most reliable and highest seed yield of seeds .

Allweeds around the greenhouses need to systematically destroy, as they breed mildew, mites and other pests and diseases . Before entering the greenhouse should be based on a rug or a container with sawdust or other loose material soaked in bleach solution, ammonium nitrate or chloride . For seed greenhouse workersmust be fixed inventory, clothing and footwear . Unauthorised persons prohibited entry into the greenhouse without clean overalls .

Perennial comparative study of crop quality and productivity of seeds of several greenhouse cucumber hybrids depending on the timing of cultivation is not foundappreciable differences between them . Differences were observed only in those cases where the disrupted agricultural machinery .

Mandatory requirement in the second seed in the middle of the backstrip - transplanting by mid July . In the southern region in the second turnover preferred a later date seed .

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