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Peonies grow well in any type of soil, sufficient supply of nutrients, but prefer slightly alkaline soil (pH 6,5) . It is best to work out they are a rich loamy soil . On the light sandy soil plants grow faster, but the flowers are worse, are less resistant to cutting and faster fade . When planting a lightsandy soil should be added to the clay . On heavy loams plants grow more slowly, but with careful handling gorgeous bright flowers give a beautiful shape. soil preparation for planting peonies should be carried out in advance, carefully, as plants can grow well and bloom profusely in one place without a transplant 10 - 25 years .
Soil under peoniestreated with deep . In group plantings in the Border, and so on . d . dig the pit to a depth of 50 - 60 cm and a width of 60 - 80 cm . loosen the bottom of the pit to a depth of a shovel, and if necessary drainage, poured the bottom drainage material - gravel, sand, broken brick, 2/3 pit filled with a mixture consisting of compost, well-rotted manure, and land taken fromof topsoil, which usually contains the decomposed plant residues. The thickness of this layer can be different - from 5 to 100 cm. the upper layer of soil, which has not grown pions is most suitable for planting . Mixing it with humus and compost or conduct on-site or in the trenches and pits . added to the mixture of fertilizer at the rate of one kaplant 400 g of bone meal and 200 g of superphosphate . The mixture should be mixed. upper third of the pit (about 20 cm) is filled only with soil taken from the upper layer, without humus, compost and fertilizer .
You can not pour into the pit compost layers in the use of lumpy compost can easily burn the roots and cause them to decay or infection of fungal diseases . Experienced growers working with peonies for many years, strongly warn against possiblesevere consequences caused by insufficient thorough mixing of soil mixture in the preparation of seats . It should also contribute to an excessive amount of compost pits, as this can do more harm than good . Stuffing landing pits and trenches must be carried out in advance, so that the earth had time to settle, but if the hole is not usedI spring up, then ground it does not condense it to freeze . If the landing will be held shortly after the preparation of the pit, as the land filling of the pit should be well compacted, otherwise the loose soil subsidence can expose the root collar or too deeper roots . If the landing pit or trench is formed after subsidence recesswhich will then be filled with soil, the root collar may be too recessed . In this case, the plants must be immediately unearth and again put on the desired depth .
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