Fungicide Artserid

Description Fungicide Artserid

Artserid - systemic fungicide protective and therapeutic action, which is used on fruit and vegetable crops to control late blight, spotted, downy mildew, Phomopsis, downy mildew, black spot, gray and white rot, macrosporiosis (concentric dry leaf spot), mildew, etc. . The preparation is used to protect against the following diseases: downy mildew, oidium, mottling, general cancer, anthracnose, scab, fire blight, late blight, bacterial blotch . Use of the drug Artserid. 20 g . Drug dissolved in 10 l . water (1 hundred) .

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Requests SPECIFICATIONS Where to buy?
PestDowny Mildew
Waiting period3 days
Processing timeduring the growing season
Max. number of treatments2
Preparation consumption rate2.5 kg / ha
Directions for use
Featuresthe last treatment 30 days before harvest
Maximum number of treatments3 - 4
Preparation consumption rate20 g . 10 liters . water per 1 sq.m.
Processing timeduring the growing season
Key Features
Date of expiry2 years
Toxicitymid-toxic, non-phytotoxic
Formulation60%wettable powder
Active ingredientmetalaxyl + Metiram
Mechanism of actionenters the plant through the leaves and stems
Destructionmildew, mildew, spotted, conventional cancer anthracnose
Purposeprotection of fruit and vegetable crops
Processing timeduring the growing season ,
Waiting period20 days
Max. number of treatments3
Preparation consumption rate2, 5 kg / ha
Pestlate blight, macrosporiosis (concentric dry leaf spot), alternaria ,
Pestlate blight, Alternaria
Preparation consumption rate2.5 kg / ha
Max. number of treatments3
Waiting period3 days
Processing timeduring the growing season ,
